
History & Museum Lectures
The BEST online training and lectures for museum professionals and history lovers looking for something fun and educational.
Muse Curatorial has put together a series of fun and informative history and museum lectures for your staff – or just for you! We  offer  a number of lectures either online due to COVID-19 or in person to discuss topics ranging from history and anthropology to museums and museum work. Let us help you with all your training and museum education needs, so check back periodically for our new class and lecture offerings!
Online Lectures Available
- This lecture is ongoing.Online Lecture
- This lecture is ongoing.A Not-So-Perfect Storm

Melanie and Karen are committed to providing you with fun, educational workshops and lectures either in person or online. They have participated in a number of panels that can be modified into a lecture or to lead a guided discussion on a variety of museum issues, anthropology or history conversations. The topics discussed on The Unusual History of Every Thing podcast can and will also be adapted into lectures. 
As a professor of anthropology, Karen has a number of lectures related to archaeology, physical anthropology and cultural anthropology that she presents to her students throughout the year. In addition to these lectures, Karen has also participated on panels at the Society for California Archaeology in a variety of topics including caring for Archaeological collections and Archaeological Site Stewardship. Karen is also part of a duo that lectures at San Diego County Archaeological Society every October with topics that combine Halloween themes, history and archaeology. Just recently they lectured on the Archaeology of Epidemics which you can listen to for free here: https://youtu.be/7g20iizzh3s.  
Melanie’s in-depth knowledge and expertise in cultural mythology, ancient history and in handling a variety of museum “disasters” over the years, makes her the perfect person to offer interesting and educational lectures and workshops. She has been brought in to several schools and conferences to share her knowledge and experience, and now she brings them to you!
Call (800) 715-8804, or email info@musecuratorial.com for a full list of possible lecture topics or any lecture needs for your organization.