
Museum Consultants & Object Preservationists
We care for the objects you love.
What makes us the best museum consultants in the business?
Our cultural object preservation services, collections management and exhibit consulting offer proven solutions to museums and private collectors working with a tight budget or a tight timeframe. We help large and small collectors determine what their needs are and provide quality assistance to their teams. Muse offers customized solutions individually tailored to reflect the size, need and cultural importance of each client’s concerns. Watch the video for more from the owners!
Helping to preserve history through material collection care

Work done at the San Diego Museum of Man

Rehousing for long-term storage

As a verb, to muse is to consider something thoughtfully. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration. Together, it was the inspiration for the word “Museum.”
The 7th century BC Greek poet Hesiod refers to the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne as The Muses. These goddesses each protected a different art form and were often the inspiration for artists and poets.
Muse Curatorial Consulting Group (MCCG) seeks to be just that for you – your Muse. Your protector for all things supporting collection care. MCCG understands that an organization’s public or private collection is the heart and inspiration of its mission, and needs to be cared for accordingly.

Melanie Dellas
CEO & Co-Founder
Melanie has been an historical researcher for over 20 years and a museum consultant for over 10 years. She has been honored as a Top 50 Woman-Owned Business from the San Diego Business Journal and a Woman of Vision by Modern Luxury magazine. More...